Best Pets for Kids

Best Furry Pets for Kids:

Dog – Dogs are man’s best friend for a reason. They are loyal, sweet animals who make great companions and friends. There are hundreds of breeds of dogs, so you have endless options on which kind to get depending on what kind of maintenance and personality you are looking for in your pet. Some of the factors to consider when picking out a dog include how much time you have to exercise a dog, how frequently/ infrequently you want to get your dog groomed, and how well they interact with kids, especially if this is going to be a family pet.

Cat sitting on couch with girl

Cat – A feline companion is sure to fill your life with kitty snuggles and purrs, even on the worst of days. Similar to dogs, cats are a great pet if you are looking for something affectionate and loving, but with a lower level of maintenance (no walking!) Do your research, as some breeds of cats shed more than others.

Best Rodents for Kids:


▪  Hamster- If your kids are in search of a smaller furry friend, consider a hamster! They are clean, easy to look after animals that don’t require a ton of looking after. Some of the main cons for a hamster as a pet are that they are more prone to biting. They don’t have very good eyesight, and often react if they feel threatened. Hamsters are also nocturnal, which means you can expect to hear these little guys running around and playing while most humans are sleeping.

▪Mouse- Maybe we are biased, but we think mice are awesome! For one, they do not shed so they make great pets for those with allergies. They  also take up very little room, being that they are both small animals and that they really only require a small carrier somewhere in a room. It’s important if you get a mouse to bond with it early on, as they are quite skittish animals and are sensitive to being held.


▪Chinchilla- A chinchilla makes for a really great exotic pet. If you are looking for a unique pet not everyone will have, chinchillas are a perfect animal. They have very soft fur and tend to have shy personalities.  Additionally, they have very long life spans for a rodent. Chinchillas can live for up to fifteen years.

Best Reptiles for Kids

Bearded Dragon

▪ Bearded Dragon- As far as reptiles go, the bearded dragon is the most friendly reptile pet a kid could have. They learn and will respond to an owners voice, and they don’t mind being held, which is more than can be said for all reptiles! They also are not nocturnal, so you won’t be kept up all night to the sounds of your bearded dragon moving around in his habitat.

▪ Leopard Gecko- Another great pet for kids with allergies is the leopard gecko. Geckos are natively found in the desert, so they need a warm and bright home in order to stay healthy. They require a fairly large tank, and typically do not do well when multiple geckos are kept in the same tank. Some of the cons of the leopard gecko are that they are nocturnal, and they have a rattle similar to a rattlesnake. While they are not poisonous, it is a bit of an unnerving sound!


▪ Turtle- There a wide variety of turtles, and they all require different levels of care, so do extra research to ensure you are comfortable with the kind you pick out. Something very important to note is that turtles can carry salmonella. Kids should avoid picking up turtles, and if they do, they should wash their hands very well after handling. Additionally, turtles live for a very long time! Getting a turtle is committing to owning the turtle for your entire life- turtles have been known to live hundreds of years.

Best Birds for Kids

▪ Cockatiel- A bird like the cockatiel can be trained to do various tricks such as whistling or talking. Out of all the birds you can get, cockatiels often rate at the top of the list. Be aware with all birds that they can be a tad noisy, so if you live in an apartment or have nearby neighbors, birds may not make a great pet.

Girl with Cockatiel

▪ Parrot- While parrots are beautiful and make for fun pets, they also come with a lot of responsibility! They can be very affectionate animals, and can be trained to learn fun tricks. However, parrots also require a large cage, and ideally need to be let out of the cage on a daily basis to exercise and stretch their wings. This means you need to be comfortable with a parrot loose in your home, and be aware that they can have unpredictable personalities as they get older.

What is the easiest pet to take care of?

A small fish such as a goldfish or betta fish is one of the most low maintenance pets you can have. All you have to do is remember to feed them daily and clean out their water each week, making it a great pet for young children learning about responsibility!

What is the best small animal for a child?

There is not one pet in particular that is the best small animal for a child, but hamsters, gerbils, and other low maintenance rodents are a great place to start.